Michelangelo's unfinished apostle "St. Matthew"

Size of raw scans:approx 600 million points
Reconstruction:VRIP at 1/4 mm
Size of reconstruction:186,810,938 vertices, 372,422,615 triangles
Version:2 (September 1, 2000)
Status:Well-aligned geometry; contains some holes, especially on the back where the laser couldn't reach.
Available as:
  • 12 PLY files (stmatthew_qtrmm_{1,2,3,...,12}.ply.gz, total 3.7 GB)
  • 11 .matches files (stmatthew_qtrmm_{1_2,2_3,3_4,...,11_12}.matches, total 9 MB)
  • QS file decimated to 100 million points (stmatthew_qtrmm.qs.gz, 532 MB)
  • The polygon meshes contained in the PLY files of adjacent sections of the model (for example stmatthew_qtrmm_1.ply.gz and stmatthew_qtrmm_2.ply.gz) overlap by one row of vertices. Although the coordinates of these vertices should be identical, due to unresolved numerical problems they are not. To resolve potential ambiguities, we have created a set of files that explicitly enumerate which vertices in one file correspond to which vertices in the other file. There are 11 files named stmatthew_qtrmm_m_n.matches, where m and n are the numbers of the appropriate slices. The files are simple ASCII, listing pairs of indices of corresponding vertices in the two .ply files.

    Click here for more renderings of this dataset (look at figure 4)